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Get an overview of your obligations with the data checklist for adopters.

This is required guidance

It is legally required and it is an essential activity.

This Guide covers:

  • England


Adopters - Complying with the UK GDPR Steps 1 - 7: an introduction- Step 1: Register with ICO

Reviewed by: Health and Care IG Panel

Every organisation or sole trader who processes personal data is legally required to register with ICO. Once you have registered, you will have to pay a data protection fee. This is used to fund ICO’s work. If you do not pay the fee, you may be fined. ICO publishes the names of individuals and organisations who have paid the fee, and those fined for non-payment.

How to do it:

  1. Use ICO's registration self-assessment to find out if you (as an individual or on behalf of your business or organisation) need to pay the data protection fee
  2. Register on ICO's website and pay the data protection fee

Get an overview of your obligations with the data checklist for adopters.

This is required guidance

It is legally required and it is an essential activity.

This Guide covers:

  • England


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